Biodiversity Conservation & Management

Biodiversity conservation is critical for economic development and poverty alleviation. Around 70% of the global poor live in rural areas where as much as 50% to 90% of livelihoods are sourced from non-marketed goods and ecosystem services.
The agriculture sector is highly dependent on the services generated by biodiversity and neighboring natural ecosystems that provide key services such as pollination, pest control, genetic diversity, soil retention, structure and fertility, water supply, etc.
Although there is certainly an increased adoption of good agricultural practices, there are still abundant unsustainable practices in agriculture that cause substantial environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and a progressive loss of agricultural productivity at the same time.
SAN’s approach focuses on the five principal causes of pressure on biodiversity: climate change, habitat loss and degradation, excessive nutrient loading and other forms of pollution, overexploitation and unsustainable use, and invasive alien species.
Impact delivering
SAN offers solutions for biodiversity conservation and management that aim to:
Identify all nearby natural ecosystems and protected areas in order to implement better conservation practices.
Avoid the degradation and destruction of natural ecosystems.
Establish buffer zones to prevent any alteration in the balance of natural ecosystems.
Maintain, restore and increase the non-crop canopy covers and protect large native threes.
Identify protected and endangered species that have their habitat within or near the operations.
Avoid the introduction and spread of alien species.
Farms working with SAN are able to protect their natural environment and biodiversity, and carry out environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA).
Explore our impact areas