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Collective Impact Orchestration


Transformational impact requires strategic collaboration

We believe in the urgency of collaborative work with members and other strategic partner organizations to enhance collective impact, aligning with our shared mission to transform agriculture at a scale and speed that responds to global challenges.


Collaborative partnerships are our primary channel to disseminate best practices, tools and methodologies to deliver scalable and impactful services for sustainable agriculture development.

We have proven expertise in six key areas that enable us to lead impactful projects for corporations, foundations, impact investors and institutions.

1. Consortium formation

We carefully select the ideal partners based on expertise, experience, and geographical location

Our global collaborative impact network is a pillar for the work we do around the world. We are committed to build competitive consortiums and collective intelligence to address issues and goals in sustainable regenerative agriculture. Based on their expertise, strengths, local knowledge, cost-effectiveness, and project pertinence, we select, vet, and negotiate contracting terms with consortium members, to ensure the right partners can deliver the expected results for our clients and donors in a cost-effective way.


Contact us

Mona McCord

Program Services Director

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